• Dear Parents Guardians,


    Due to the COVID-19 virus, would like you to know there some changes I have to conduct to effectively communicate with you!  As a School Counsleor, I have to follow the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Guidlines!  

    The following are recommendations from (ASCA) concerning providing Virtual Counseling as a substitution to face to face counseling are:

    My hours are from 8:00- 3:00 PM!

    Will be using the same ethical guidlines and clear boundaries as I have used to face- to- face settings! I am currently in the process of up-dating this new virtaul counseling form!  

    I am also in the process to communicate with you/child through our school platform!


    I appreciate your patience and flexibility during this difficult time we are all living through!  Be safe!




    Mr. Bolen



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