• Periodicals (Magazines or Newspapers) in Print
    Citing Sources in APA Format    APA PDF version

    Consult with your teacher to see if they want your works cited in MLA or APA format.
    Citing CD-ROM Resources:

    Editor's last name, First initial (Ed.). (Year of publication). Title of product. (Edition release or version)
         [computer software]. Place of publication: Name of publisher, year of publication. Medium of


    Cosgrove, H. R. (Ed.). (2001). Encyclopedia of Careers & Vocational Guidance.  (4th ed.) [computer
         software]. Chicago: Ferguson Publishing.
    Citing On-Line Periodical Databases (original in print):


    Author's last name, First intital. (Date of publication-Year, Month Day).  Title of article. Name of the
         periodical, volume number(issue number), page numbers. Title of the database. (Item number or
         accession number).


    Calkins, L. B. (1993, February 1). Executive exits oilfield empire, finds new fit in garment game.
         Houston Business Journal, 22(37). 1-2. General Reference Center Gold. (A13523123).
    Lanken, D. (2009, March). When the earth moves. Canadian Geographic 116(2), 66-73. SIRS
    Citing Online Newspapers and Periodicals:


    Author's last name, First initial (if there is no author move the Title of article to the front of the citation).
         (Date of publication-Year, Month day). Title of article. Title of Online Periodical or Newspaper,
         volume number(issue number if available). Retrieved from http://full URL


    The Scientists speak. (2007, November 20). New York Times. Retrieved from
    Citing Online Encyclopedias:


    Author's last name, First initial (if there is no author move the Title of article to the front of the citation).
         (Date of publication-Year, Month day). Title of article. In Title on online encyclopedia. Retrieved
         from http://full URL
    Milky way. (2010). In World Book online. Retrieved from
    Icarus. (2008). In Encyclopaedia Britannica online. Retrieved from
    Citing a Web Page:
    Author's last name, First initial. (Date of publication-Year, Month day; Ues n.d. if date isn't available).
         Title of document. Retrieved from http://full URL
    Devitt, T. (2000, December 9). Flying high. Retrieved from
    Citing an Online Video Podcast:
    Producer/Director/Reporter's Last Name, First initial (if there is no author move the Title of video
         podcast to the front of the citation). (Date of publication-Year, Month day). Title of vicdeo podcast.
         Sponsor of site. Podcast retrieved from http:full URL
    Cohen, E. (Reporter). (2010, November 2). Flu and children. Cable News Network. Podcast
         retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/health/2010/11/02/hm.flu.kids.update.cnn     
    Citing Online Graphic Data (maps/pictures):
    Title of map or image. (Date of publication-Year, Month day). [brief explanation of type of data and
         the form in which it appears]. Sponsor of Site. Retrieved from http://full URL
    Sidney, Montana. (2008, May 15). [Map]. Google Maps. Retrieved from

    Citing Books:



    Author's last name, First initial. (Year of publication). Title: Subtitle. Place of
         publication: Publisher.


    Guerin, W., et al. (1996). A Handbook of critical approaches to literature. New York: Harper.
    Ostrander, S., & Schroeder, L. (1979). Superlearning. New York: Delacorte.
    Spitzer, R. R. (1981). No need for hunger. Danville, IL: Interstate.

    Citing a Previously Published Work From a Multivolume Work:


    Author's last name, First initial. (Original date of publication). Title of original article/chapter. Title of
         original publication, volume number(issue number), original page numbers. In Editor's first initial.
         Last name (Ed.), (Date of publication). Title of multivolume reference (volume used, pp.). Place
         of publication: Publisher.


    Pritchett, V. S. (1942). The American Puritan. My good books, pp. 175-82. In H. Bloom (Ed.),
         (1989). The Critical perspective. (vol. 10, 6225-6227). New York: Chelsea House Publishers.
    Citing an Article From a Print Encyclopedia:


    Author's last name, First initial. (Date of publication). Title of article. In Title of encyclopedia (Vol.
         number, pp.). Place of publication: Publisher.


    Thurman, H.V. (2006). Indian ocean. In The World book encyclopedia. (Vol. 10, pp. 185-187).
         Chicago: World Book, Inc.
    Citing Periodicals (Magazines or Newspapers) in Print Medium:


    Author's last name, First initial. (Date of publication-Year, Month Day). Title of article. Name of
         periodical, volume number(issue number), page numbers.


    Bazell, R. (1999, March 15). Science and society: Growth industry. New Republic, 38, 13-14.
    Manning, A. (1998, March 2). Curriculum battles from left and right. USA Today, p. 5D.
    Citing Articles in a Series from an Information Service:


    Author's last name, First initial. (Original date of publication). Title of original article/issue. In Editor's
         first initial. Last name (Ed.). Title of multivolume reference (volume used, pp.). Place of
         publication: Publisher.


    Masci, D. (2001, January 19). Children and divorce. In C. J. Thomas (Ed.), CQ Researcher (vol. 11,
        pp. 25-40). Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly. 
    Citing a Single Work from an Anthology in Print:


    Author's last name (of the short story or poem), First initial. (Year of publication). Title of short story or
         poem. In Editor's first initial. Last name (Ed.), Title of book. (pages of short story or poem). Place
         of publication (city): Publishing company.


    Strasser, T. (1987). On the bridge. In D. Gallo (Ed.), Visions: Nineteen short stories by outstanding
         writers for young adults. (pp. 122-128). New York: Delacorte Press. 

     References (1” from top of page - no bold or italic)
    (Margins - 1" on all sides; Font size and type - 12 pt. Times New Roman; Indent - 1/2" hanging indent;
    Double space; Include a page header at the top of every page with page numbers flush right.
    Then type "TITLE OF YOUR PAPER" in the header flush left.)
    Bazell, R. (1999, March 15). Science and society: Growth industry. New Republic, 38, 13-14.
    Calkins, L. B. (1993, February 1). Executive exits oilfield empire, finds new fit in garment game.
        Houston Business Journal, 22(37). 1-2. General Reference Center Gold. (A13523123).
    Cohen, E. (Reporter). (2010, November 2). Flu and children. Cable News Network. Podcast
         retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/health/2010/11/02/hm.flu.kids.update.cnn     
    Cosgrove, H. R. (Ed.). (2001). Encyclopedia of Careers & Vocational Guidance.  (4th ed.) [computer
         software]. Chicago: Ferguson Publishing.
    Devitt, T. (2000, December 9). Flying high. Retrieved from
    Guerin, W., et al. (1996). A handbook of critical approaches to literature. New York: Harper.
    Icarus. (2008). In Encyclopaedia Britannica online. Retrieved from
    Lanken, D. (2009, March). When the earth moves. Canadian Geographic 116(2), 66-73. SIRS
    Manning, A. (1998, March 2). Curriculum battles from left and right. USA Today, p. 5D.
    Masci, D. (2001, January 19). Children and divorce. In C. J. Thomas (Ed.), CQ Researcher (vol. 11,
        pp. 25-40). Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly.
    Milky way. (2010). In World Book online. Retrieved from
    Ostrander, S., & Schroeder, L. (1979). Superlearning. New York: Delacorte.
    Pritchett, V. S. (1942). The American puritan. My good books, pp. 175-82. In H. Bloom (Ed.),
         (1989). The critical perspective. (vol. 10, 6225-6227). New York: Chelsea House Publishers.
    The scientists speak. (2007, November 20). New York Times. Retrieved from
    Sidney, Montana. (2008, May 15). [Map]. Google Maps. Retrieved from
    Spitzer, R. R. (1981). No need for hunger. Danville, IL: Interstate.
    Strasser, T. (1987). On the bridge. In D. Gallo (Ed.), Visions: Nineteen short stories by outstanding
         writers for young adults. (pp. 122-128). New York: Delacorte Press.
    Thurman, H.V. (2006). Indian ocean. In The world book encyclopedia. (Vol. 10, pp. 185-187).
         Chicago: World Book, Inc.